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Techwo Blog Project

For about 3 years I’ve been involved in a women in tech community that has the objective to increase the number of women participating in technology, and trying to achive this main objective I got the idea to start a blog project that gathers some of the brightest women I know as writers of this blog and that for a year will write a post about technology every week.

I know most of those selected women for this project and the others that I didn’t know, I’ve been starting to see their talent. One of my favorite part of this project is that each one of the woman that are participating are really sharing what they know, what they like or even what they are implementing on their jobs, and I can noticed that each of them are growing on each of their career paths as well as they learn more about themselves. The other thing I love is how we have been created a real community improving all the posts written until now, because we’re not only writers, we’re also reviewers and we do comments to improve the redaction of every post.

I think this is the most wonderful project that I’ve started with the organizer women in TechWo because this is the first time I think I’m doing the difference for the women that I want to motivate that are the programmers. TechWo is for every women involved in technology not only for programmers, but my expertise area in thechnology is programming and all related to software development, that’s why I’m so interested in share my knowledge trying to motivate other girls to do and love this amazing career that I think gives a lot for a few things.

All the posts of the blog are written in spanish since that is our native language and because the blog is focused to the spanish-speaking community, we want to give power to the “Hispano” community due many of the articles, books, tutorials and Internet contet about technology is written in english, so we want to get close to those people that have not the chance to get in contact or learn english.

I want to invite you to see our Blog and let us your comments if you like, you have doubts or you want to improve the content. Besides to invite you to visit and read the blog I also want to announce that I’ll been adding here a short description in english of the posts I write, due I know they could be of your interest, it is possible that you could be also interested in learn spanish :)

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